How to Add an Employee to a Job When They Don’t Have Reception
1. Navigate to
2. Under ‘Employees’, Click “Daily Timeclocks”
3. Click “Jobs”
4. Click “Add Employee to Job”
5. Select the Employee you would like to add
6. Select their position for the job from the dropdown (it will almost always be Team Member unless they are a Trainee)
7. Put in the correct start time for the job
8. DELETE THE TIME OUT DATE (if you don’t, if will check them out of the job and automatically send the scorecard!)
9. DELETE THE TIME OUT TIME (if you don’t, if will check them out of the job and automatically send the scorecard!)
10. Click “Send for Review” to send to tech for approval
11. Add any comments in the comments section (example: Approve start time due to no reception)
12. Click “Send for Review”