How to Add/Upgrade a Customers Service Scope of Work
To use when a customer wants to upgrade their service and/or make an ongoing change like adding the fridge to every cleaning. Can also be used when needing to apply a discount or to skip a room or for a custom rate modification.
2. Click “Search…” and search for the customer you are wanting to modify their cleaning rate.
3. Click the customer you want to edit
4. Scroll down to the job calendar and double-click here.
5. Click “Modify Rates”
6. Click “Create”
7. Under the ‘Select Rate Modification’ click the add-on you would like to select
Under Frequency, you can also choose if it is just for this one job or if they want it for recurring visits.
8. Click “Save”
9. Repeat the same process to add multiple add-ons to their service.
Click “Create”
10. Click “Inside Fridge | $45.00 | 30 mins”
11. Click “Save”
12. Finally, you can click “Close”