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How to Do Weekly KPIs

1. Be sure to have the following 2 items open:

2. Click the “Week #/Year (Week 23 2023)” field.

4. Click Reports then Click “Revenue and Production Planning”

5. Click this date/time field and update it for the week needed.

6. Click “Update”

7. scroll down and you will find the information needed

8. switch back to the KPI report form and in the information and move onto the next

9. Click “All Reports”

10. Click the “Search:” field.

11. Type “customer count”

12. Click “Customer Counts”

13. locate customer count by scrolling down

14. return to KPI report update information

15. Click the “Total Weekly Revenue” field.

16. Switch to tab “Home Stats – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

17. Click Reports then Click “Revenue and Production Planning”

18. update the date to the dates needed

19. Click “Update”

20. scroll down and locate the total weekly revenue

21. return to KPI report and input information

22. Click the “Direct Payroll to Revenue” field.

23. Switch to tab “Revenue Production Planning – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

24. Click “All Reports”

25. Click the “Search:” field.

26. Type “stats by week”

27. Click “Stats by Week”

28. Scroll down and click “data”

29. locate the week you are working on

30. scroll over until you find direct payroll to revenue

31. Return to KPI report and update the information

32. Click “Productivity”

33. Switch to tab “Stats By Week – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

34. Click “All Reports”

35. Click the “Search:” field.

36. Type “employee productivity”

37. Click “Employee Productivity”

38. locate the repeat cleanings and one time cleanings information

39. Return to KPI report and fill in the information

40. Click the “# of Leads Received” field.

41. Switch to tab “Employee Productivity – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

42. Click reports then Click “Sales KPIs”

43. Click here. and update for the week needed

44. locate number of leads here

45. Return to KPI reports and input information Click the “# of Leads Received” field.

46. Click the “Total # of Quotes Received” field.

47. return back to the sales KPI report you had open and locate number of quotes received

48. Return to the KPI report and input information

49. Switch to tab “Sales KPI – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

50. Click the “# of New Recurring Clients” field.

51. return to the sales KPI report-locate number of recurring sales

52. return to the KPI report and input information

53. Click the “# of One Time Sales” field.

54. Switch to tab “Sales KPI – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

55. locate the number of one time sales

56. return to the KPI report and fill in the information

57. Click the “Recurring Close Rate %” field.

58. return to KPI sale report and locate the recurring quote to sale %

59. Return to SALES KPI REPORT and insert information

60. Click the “# of Lost Recurring Clients” field.

61. Switch to tab “Sales KPI – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

62. locate number of recurring loss

63. return to KPI report and insert the information.

64. Click the “Skip Rate” field.

65. Switch to tab “Sales KPI – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

66. Click “All Reports”

67. Click the “Search:” field.

68. Type “job count”

69. Click “Job Count by Date and Status”

70. Click this date/time field and update to the week needed

71. Click “Update”

72. locate the number of skipped homes

73. locate the number of lock outs

74. locate the number of total job counts

75. return to KPI report and insert information after calculating %

76. Click “Attrition per Month”

77. Switch to tab “Job Count By Date & Status – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

78. Click “All Reports”

79. Click the “Search:” field.

80. Type “stats by week”

81. Click “Stats by Week”

82. click on “data”

83. locate the week you are working on and find customer count

84. return to KPI report and fill in the information

85. Click the “Efficiency” field.

86. Switch to tab “Stats By Week – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

87. Click “All Reports”

88. Click the “Search:” field.

89. Type “employee stats”

90. Click “Employee Stats”

91. Click here and update to the week needed

92. locate the job hours

93. locate clock hours

94. return to KPI report and input calculations

95. Click “Absentee Rate
((excused + Unexcused + Time Off)/Total Days Worked)X100 Reports – Employee Stats”

96. Switch to tab “Employee Attendance Stats – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

97. scroll and locate the number of excused, unexcused, time off and total days worked

98. Return to Kpi report and put in calculations

99. Click “Scorecard Response Rate
Reports – Scorecard Results, Employee Stats”

100. Switch to tab “Employee Attendance Stats – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

101. locate the scorecard response date

102. return to the kpi report and update the information

103. Click the “Average Scorecard Score” field.

104. Switch to tab “Employee Attendance Stats – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

105. locate the average scorecard score

106. return to kpi report and insert data

107. Click “#Scorecard Complaints”

108. Switch to tab “Employee Attendance Stats – GreenTree Cleaning Services”

109. locate the number of complaints by looking at “0” “1” “2”

110. return to report and input information

111. Click “Submit”

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